Christ’s High Priesthood—SUPERIOR TO AARON—Must be Man—mUST have been appointed by God—Their Low Spiritual Perceptions prevents Paul saying all he might on Christ’s Melchisedec-like Priesthood. Heb. 5:1-14

The design of this epistle was to prove the superiority of Christianity over Judaism. The center and glory of Judaism was the divinely appointed priesthood…“The unbelieving Jews would be apt to say to their Christian brethren, …you have no high priest. How are your sins to be pardoned? How are your wants to be supplied, when you have none to make intercession for you to God? ‘We have a High Priest’ Hebrews 4:14,” (Dr. J. Brown).

  1. 5:5 So also Christ glorified not himself. The meaning is, that Jesus was not ambitious; he did not enter upon its duties without being regularly called to it. Jn. 7:18; 8:54. “He that shall humble Himself shall be exalted.” Matt. 23:12.
  2. But he that said unto Him, Thou art My Son, today have I begotten Thee.” (v. 5). Ps. 2:7, Mic. 5:2, Jn. 3:16., Act. 13:33, Rom. 8:3. “Christ’s sufficiency as Priest lies in His Divine nature. It was the dignity of His person which gave value to what He did. Because He was the Son, God appointed Him High Priest, Just as, because He is the Son, He has made Him “Heir of all things.” Heb. 1:2. In Leviticus 8 we find three things recorded of the type: First, his call v. 1, 2. Second, his anointing v. 12. Third, his consecration, v. 22. These same three things, only in inverse order again (for in all things He has the pre-eminence) are found on the occasion of our Savior’s baptism. Let it not be forgotten that the priesthood of Christ is the basis of His kingship: “He shall be a priest upon His throne.” Zech. 6:13. It is as the “Lamb” He holds His title to the throne (Rev. 22:1)—cf. the “wherefore” of Phil. 2:9. He is a Priest with royal authority, a King with Priestly tenderness.”Pink A
  3. 5:6 As he saith also in another place; Ps. 110:4. Thou art a priest forever. 6:20; 7:3, 15, 17, 21, Melchisedec Gen. 14:18, 19. “The subject was of such importance that God decided to give unto these Hebrews confirmation added to confirmation, “twice” of Psalm 62:11, the “again” of the Lord Jesus in John 8:12, 21 etc., the “many” proofs of Acts 1:3. The Father’s here speaking to Him was His “call,” just as in Heb. 7:21, it is His “oath.” “Thou art a priest” was declarative of His eternal decree, the everlasting covenant, wherein He was designated unto this office.” Pink A. W “Thus was Christ “called of God as was Aaron.” God the Father appointed him a priest of a higher order than that of Aaron, which was to be but temporary and successive; the priesthood of Christ was to be perpetual: after the order of Melchisedec, was to be personal, and immortal as to his office, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life. 2. Christ is here preferred to Aaron in the holiness of his person. Other priests were to offer up sacrifices, as for the sins of others, so for themselves, v. 3. But Christ needed not to offer for sins for himself, for he had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth, Isa. 53:9. And such a high priest became us.” M. Henry