Darius’s Decree—Daniel’s Disobedience and Consequent Exposure to the Lions—His Deliverance by God. Dan. 6:1-28.

“The saving of Daniel among the lions signaled to Darius that the supernatural was present in the life of Daniel.” Dickson Roger E. God set aside the natural laws in order to reveal the supernatural. This was done here like in other places in the Old testament to proclaim that God is One, and that is the God of Israel.

  1. Dan. 6:18-24. “Then the king went to his palace and passed the night fasting…and his sleep went from him.Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions…he cried with a lamentable…O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions?… My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me:…So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God. And the king commanded, and…brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them”
  2. 18. The king passed the night fasting. 2Sam. 12:16, 17; 19:24, 1Kg. 21:27, Ps. 137:1-4, Is. 24:8, 9, Jon. 3:3–9. The king had a sleepless night. Es. 6:1. Ps. 77:4. It was a dark period and a time of mourning for the king. God’s favor is always manifested when men humble themselves. “He ate no supper but passed the night fasting; his heart was already full of grief and fear. He forbade the music; nothing is more unpleasing that songs sung to a heavy heart. He went to bed, but got no sleep…” M. Henry
  3. 19-20. He went in haste very early. 19. Matt. 28:1, 2Cor. 2:13, 1Thes. 3:5.  Is the God thou servest continually? Ps. 71:14–18; 73:23; 146:2, Lu. 18:1, Ac. 6:4, 1Thes. 5:17, 18, Ja. 1:25. We should give ourselves continually into prayers, the ministry of the word. God will honor those who serve him. Jn. 12:26. Is Heable to deliver you? Gen. 18:14, Num. 11:23; 14:15, 16, Jer. 32:17, Lu. 1:37, 2Cor. 1:10, 2Tim. 4:16–18, Heb. 7:25 Amp, Jude 24. He saves totally, completely always.
  4. 21-24 O king live forever. ver. 6; ch. 2:4, Neh. 2:3. My God has sent His angel. Num. 20:16, 2Chr. 32:21, Ps. 34:7, Is. 63:9, Ac. 12:11; 27:23. He hath shut the mouth. 1Sam. 17:37 Ps. 91:11–13, 2Tim. 4:17, He. 11:33. Forasmuch before him innocence was found in me Is. 54:17, Ps. 18:19–24, Act. 24:16, Ge. 40:15, Ac. 25:8–11. The king was glad Ex. 18:9, he was not hurt, he trusted his God.
  5. He shut his eyes to the event, committing the keeping of his soul to God, in well-doing, as unto a faithful Creator (1 Pet. 4:19), sure of deliverance in a better life, if not in this. 1Chr. 5:20, 2Ch. 20:20, Pr. 18:10. The accusers were cast into the den of lions. Pr. 11:8. This savage act accorded with the customs of those times, Deut. 24:16, Jos. 7:24, 25, 2Kg. 14:6, Es. 9:10.