Key: SCHAFF: “When the Lord open his mouth, we should open our ears and hearts.


“All foundations will be tried” “That there is a storm coming, that will try what our hopes are bottomed on ‘will try every man’s work 1Cor. 3:13 will discover the foundation’ Hab. 3:13. Rain, and flood, and wind, will beat upon the house the trial is sometimes in this world when tribulation and persecution arise because of the word then it will be seen, who only heard the word, and who heard and practised it when we have occasion to use our hopes, it will be tried whether they were right, and well grounded, or not.” Mathew Henry

  1. Matt. 7:25 “The rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against the house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.” NLT 27 ”When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against he house, it will collapse with a mighty crash” NLT
  2. The first sign of an Apostle, is one who is still standing when everyone else has fallen down from the pressure, discouragement, or hopelessness of a situation. Eph. 6:13, 14, Heb. 11:35-38. 2Tim. 2:9-12.
  3. Sufferings, and trials are part of life-Don’t expect a life free from afflictions. Jn. 16:1, 33, 1Thes. 3:3-5, Rom. 8:18.
  4. The world is cursed. Gen. 3:17-19; 4:10-12.
  5.  Man has fallen and can make wrong choices. Gen. 13:8-13; 19:16-23.
  6. Satan is envious. Gen. 26:1-2, 6-22, Job. 1:6-12, 1Sam. 18:6-9.
  7. Tribulation. That is pressure from outside; such as opposition, attack, ostracism, oppression, scourging, pillaging and so on. Act. 14:22, Rom. 5:3, 1Thess. 3:4, Rev. 2:10.
  8. Test and persecution promised. Jn. 16:33, 2Tim. 3:10-12

God and Eagles.Is.40:31, Deut. 32:11-14.Comfortable nest.1Pet.2:2. Comfort removed. Stirred up the nest. NO PAIN NO GAIN. Flying lessons.

  • Affliction separates the chosen from the called. Is. 48:10 Matt. 20:16, Rev. 17:14
  • “He who hears the word of Christ, and does them, is safe against all the evil influence of the world, safe forever, he who simply hears, and does not do, is doomed to fail salvation, and be crushed in utter destruction” Broadus John A.