Key: SCHAFF: “When the Lord open his mouth, we should open our ears and hearts.
“Christ shows, by plain remonstrance, that an outward profession of religion, however remarkable, will not bring us to heaven, unless there be a corresponding conversion.” “The followers of false prophets, the Savior himself, will be known not by their profession (confessions) of devotion to him, but by their fruits, their doing the will of His father in heaven.” Broadus John A. All judgment is committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, and he has the keys of life, death and hell. Jn. 5:22, 24-27, Rev. 1:18.
- Matt. 7:21 NKJV “ Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”
- ‘Enter into the kingdom of heaven.’ The kingdom of heaven here is understood with reference to its consummation, its eternal, glorious rewards. The word ‘In that day’ in verse 22 confirms this.
- ‘That day or the day of Jehovah or the great day’ generally used by the prophets is: “that lengthened period of time beginning with the return of the Lord in glory, and ending with the purgation of heavens and the earth by fire preparatory to the new heavens and the new earth. Is. 66:17-19; 66:22, 2Pet. 3:13, Rev. 21:1. The order of events appear to be:
- Return of the Lord in glory Matt. 24:29-30
- The destruction of the Beast and his hosts, “the king of the earth and their armies” and the false prophets, which is the “great and terrible” aspect of the day Rev. 19:11-21
- The judgment of the nations. Zech. 14:1-9, Matt. 25:31-46
- The thousand years, i.e. the kingdom-age Rev. 20:4-6
- The satanic revolt and its end. Rev. 20:7-10
- The second resurrection and the final ‘white throne’ judgment Rev. 20:11-15, and
- The “day of God”, earth purged by fire 2Pet. 3:10-13, Is. 51:6.” C. I. Scofield
- “Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord” Matt. 25:11-12, Lk. 6:46, Lk. 13:25, Tit. 1:16, Jas. 1:22; 2:20-26. If we call Jesus Lord, that is our rightful master, our lives will show forth his glory.
- “Who does the will of my father in heaven” Matt. 18:3, Jn. 3:3, 7; Jn. 6:40 Matt. 12:50; 21:28-31, Lk. 11:28, 1Jn. 3:21-23, Rev 22:14. The will of God, as Christ’s father, is His will in the gospel, that we believe in Christ, and appropriate the finished work of redemption, live a holy life, and love one another.
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