THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Matt. 5, 6, 7 (42)


Key: SCHAFF: “When the Lord open his mouth, we should open our ears and hearts” 


“Which one should come first, spiritual or temporal? Suppose we seek the temporal first, we shall constantly less inclined to seek the spiritual, we shall be constantly less prepared for it, and soon the temporal good must be abandoned, and for us there will be no spiritual good forever. On the other hand, if we seek the spiritual first, we shall not seek in vain, we shall obtain temporal good also, not without seeking, but without anxious seeking.” Broadus John

  1. Matt. 6:34 “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”
    1. To-morrow-We must not forget tomorrow, thinking only of today. Our yesterday have an influence on today, and our today may have an impact on tomorrow. “Tomorrow and all its wants will be provided for by the heavenly father: therefore think of it without anxiety, and try to do right and please God today.”
    2. We must not presume on tomorrow, for we know not what tomorrow may bring forth. Pro. 27:1, Jas. 4:13-17.
    3. We shall best provide for to-morrow, by faithfully performing the duties of today. Jn. 9:4, Lk. 13:31-33.
    4. We must not be anxious about tomorrow, but let each day bear its own burden. A Jewish writer says, “Be not anxious about what is coming, before it takes place; for there is enough vexation for the hour.” All men observe the folly of borrowing trouble from the future, and yet we continue to do it, and even to have a large part of our distresses spring from the dread of future evil, which likely enough will never come. “The worst misfortunes are those which never arrive”- A French proverb. “Never cross the bridge till you get there”-An English proverb.
  2. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” There is a natural evil for each day, that is, there are sufferings troubles, trial, afflictions for each day. Lk. 16:5, Ecl. 7:14; 21:1, Amos. 3:6.
    1. Suffering is part of life-
      1. Don’t expect a life free from afflictions. Jn. 16:1-4, 20-22, 33, 1Thes. 3:3-5, Jas. 5:10-11. Note Jn. 14:1, Rom. 8:18.
      2. The world is cursed. Gen. 3:16-19.
      3. Man has fallen and can make wrong choices. Gen. 13:7-13; 25:29-34,1Chro. 10:13-14
      4. Satan is envious. Job. 1:6-12; 2:1-6
    2. The conclusion of the matter, don’t be your own tormentor, nor make your passage through this world more dark and unpleasant by your apprehension.