Christ’s High Priesthood—SUPERIOR TO AARON—Must be Man—mUST have been appointed by God—Their Low Spiritual Perceptions prevents Paul saying all he might on Christ’s Melchisedec-like Priesthood. Heb. 5:1-14
- 5:7 Who in the days of His flesh. Jn. 1:14, Ro. 8:3, Ga. 4:4, 1Tim. 3:16, Jn. 7. The word “flesh” is often used in Scripture of man as a poor, frail, mortal creature: Ps. 78:39, 65:2. “The Son of God still is united to human nature, for in his case, as in all others, “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,” 1Cor. 15:50. He has now a glorified body Phil. 3:21, such as the redeemed will have in the future world. Rev. 1:13–17. The phrase “days of his flesh,” means the time when he was incarnate. The time here referred to, evidently, was the agony in the garden of Gethsemane.” Bernes, Albert &co
- when. Ps. 69:1; 88:1, Matt. 26:28–44, Lk. 22:41–44, Jn. 17:1. “Christ, in the days of his flesh, offered up prayers and supplications to his Father in agony Mt. 26:39; 27:46, and before his agony Jn. 17 which he put up for his disciples, and all who should believe on his name.” M. Henry Christ “offering” Himself unto God Heb. 9:14, with priestly prayers and supplications. These are to impress upon us how great a work it was to make expiation for sin. “The pressure of human guilt weighed down His mind and He was a Man of prayer and of sorrows.” Dr. Brown.
- “With strong crying and tears.” Is. 53:3, 11, Jn. 11:35. He was overwhelmed by the pressure of horror and anguish, caused by the Divine anger against sin. These were, in part, the fulfillment of that prophecy in Psalm 22:1: “the words of My roaring.”…To His disciples He said, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death” (Matthew 26:38). To the Father He prayed, “If Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me” (Luke 22:42). There we read of Him “being in an agony,” that “He prayed more earnestly,” that “His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Such was the “travail of His soul” that He cried for deliverance” Pink Arthur W
- “Unto Him that was able to save Him from death.” Ps. 18:19, 20; 22:21, 24; 40:1–3; 69:13–16, Is. 49:8, Jn. 11:42; 17:4, 5. These words reveal to us how Christ contemplated Deity at that time. …I suffer Thy terrors, I am distracted” Ps. 88:15; 116:2-4. This is the agony of hell. He cried, “…Let not the water-flood overflow Me, neither let the deep swallow Me up” (Ps. 69:1, 2, 15).
- “And was heard in that He feared.” or for his piety. ch. 12:28, Mat. 26:37, 38, 34. Lk. 22:42–44, Jn. 12:27, 28. “fear” here signifies godly reverence or piety: cf. Hebrews 12:28. Thou hast heard Me from the horns of the unicorns” (Ps. 22:21). This brings us to the second and ultimate meaning of the Savior’s petition to be delivered “from death,” and the corresponding second response of the Father. “To ‘save from death’ means, to deliver from death after having died. Heb. 13:20. “To summarize this most solemn and wonderful verse. First, He as our Substitute, encountered that awful wrath of God which is the wages of sin—“death.” Second, that He encountered it “in the days of His flesh.” Third, that He felt the visitation of God’s judgment upon sin. Fourth, that He cried for deliverance: for strength to endure and for an exodus from the grave. Fifth, that God answered by bestowing the needed succor and by raising Him from the dead.” Pimk Arthur W