Danger of neglecting so Great Salvation, first spoken by Christ—To whom, not to Angels, the New Dispensation was subjected. Heb. 2:3-4

What are the evils from which it saves us? The displeasure of God, with all its fearful consequences in time and eternity; and ‘who knows the power of His anger?’ We must measure the extent of infinite power, we must fathom the depths of infinite wisdom before we can resolve the fearful question. We can only say, ‘According to Thy fear, so is Thy wrath.’ The most frightful conception comes infinitely short of the more dreadful reality. A depravity of nature ever increasing, and miseries varied according to our varied capacities of suffering—limited in intensity only by our powers of endurance, which an almighty enemy can enlarge indefinitely, and protracted throughout the whole eternity of our being—these are the evils from which this salvation delivers. “And what are the blessings to which it raises? A full, free, and everlasting remission of our sins—the enjoyment of the paternal favor of the infinitely powerful, and wise, and benignant Jehovah—the transformation of our moral nature—a tranquil conscience—a good hope down here; and in due time, perfect purity, and perfect happiness forever in the eternal enjoyment of God.

  1. Man in God’s program. Heb. 2:5-8.
  2. He wants to bring many sons into glory. Heb. 2:10-13
  3. God came down. Phil. 2:6-8, Heb. 2:14-15.
  4. The virgin birth. Lk. 1:27-32, 34-38, Gal. 4:4-6.
  5. Blood and life Lev. 17:11, Lk. 2:35.
  6. No human blood in Jesus Christ, not even the blood of Mary.
  7. No Adamic nature in him
  8. The world has been judged. Jn. 12:31a with all her evils. Is. 53:4, 3, 5.
  9. The end of God’s wrath on man. Jn. 19:28; Jer. 25:15-16, 27, Ps. 7:11, Ep. 2:3, 1Thess. 5:9; 1:10, Jn. 3:36.
  10. It has closed the book of evil. Ps. 7:9™, Dan. 9:24, Jl. 2:19-21, 23-26.
  11.  Man is born with evil. Gen. 6:5, Job. 5:7
  12. Evil will no more be found in your tabernacle. Deut. 21:21b, 22-23, Job. 11:13-16, Gal. 3:13; 6:14 Eph. 2:1-3.
  13. The Lamb Slain. Ex. 12:6, Is. 53:10, 12, Matt. 27:35, 50.
  14. No evil desires working against you. Gen. 4:6-7, Jas. 4:1, 2Chr. 16:7-9, 2Sam. 21:1; 24:1, 10-14, Lk. 23:46, Rom. 6:6, Gal. 6:14.
  15. The end of all negative omens at work in your life. Job. 5:7, Col. 2:14, Gal. 3:13, Is. 51:22-23, Ps. 69:20-21.
  16. He stopped the activities of all unseen powers. 1Jn. 5:19, Eph. 6:12; 2:2, 1, Lk. 22:53
  17. It settles the issue of death. Job. 14:1-9
  18. Death brings grieve and mourning. 2Sam. 1:11-12; 3:31-35, Act. 8:2.
  19. Prophetic end of death. Hos. 13:14; Is. 25:8-9.
  20. Christs satisfy the demand of the law. Gal. 4:4-5, Rom. 8:3-4; 10:4
  21. Christs spoil the strong man. Heb. 2:14-15, Lk. 11:21-22, 1Sam. 30:15-17; 17:49-54
  22. New life for us. Ps. 107:20, Jn. 1:4-5, Jas. 1:18, 1Pet. 1:23-25,
  23. We were born out of the dead. Col. 1:18, Act. 13:32-33
  24. He loosed the power of death. Act. 2:24, 2Tim. 1:10, Jn. 5:24; 8:51.