Daniel’s Confession and Prayer for Jerusalem—Gabriel Comforts him by the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. Dan. 9:1-27 continues.

Text: Dan. 9:26-27

The determined wrath of God upon the desolator continues. Dan. 9:27

The day of the Lord and the battle of Armageddon Rev. 19:11-21

“The day of Jehovah (called also “that day”, and “the great day”) is that period of time beginning with the return of the Lord in glory and ending with the purgation of the heavens and the earth by fire preparatory to the new heavens and the new earth (Is. 65:17-19; 66:22, 2Pet. 3:13, Rev. 21:1). The order of events appears to be: (1) The return of the Lord n glory (Matt. 24:29-30); (2) the destruction of the beast and the host, “the kings of the earth and their armies”, and the false prophet, which is the “great terrible” day aspect of the day Rev. 19:11-21; (3) the judgment of the nations (Zech. 14:1-9, Matt. 25:31-46); (4) the thousand years, i.e. the kingdom age (Rev. 20:4-6); (5) the Satanic revolt and its end (Rev. 20:7-10); (6) the second resurrection and the white throne judgment (Rev. 20:11- 15); and (7) the “day of God” earth purged by fire (2Pet. 3:19-13)”. – C. I. Scofield.

However our studies now will only deal with the coming of the Lord and the doom of the desolator-the beast and his false prophets.

  1. The return of the Lord in glory. Rev. 19:11-14 “And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True…” Ps. 50:3-6, Jude 1: 14-15, 2Thess. 1:6-9, Matt. 24:29-30, Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14. An angel came to comfort the Apostles when Jesus was taken to heaven Act. 1:6-8, saying this same Jesus you saw going to heaven will return in like manner. John said all eyes will see Him Rev. 1:7
  2. He rides a white horse, comes from heaven, called Faithful, True (Rev. 3:14, 2Thess. 3:3, 2Tim. 2:13, Rev. 1:5, Heb. 10:23, Jn. 14:6; 18:37), makes war in righteousness, has a name which no man knows with many crowns on His head, he is the Word of God, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (1Tim. 6:15). This is quite different from the man riding a white horse in Rev. 6:2
  3. He is the supreme commander of God’s army. Rev. 19:14, Ps. 50: 4-5, Jude. 14-15 Zech. 14:4. Take note He is Jehovah Sabaoth. Jehovah is Lord of (warrior) hosts. “The lord of Hosts, He is the king of glory” Ps. 24:10. The “hosts” are heavenly. The name gathers into itself the idea of all divine or heavenly power as available for the need of God’s people. Gen. 32:1-2, Is. 6:1-5, Lk. 2:13-15, 1kg. 22:19. It is used for Israel’s help and comfort.
  4. The host of angelic army and all the redeemed, Christ’s army (2Tim. 23-5) now clothed in linen, white and clean- garment of salvation and righteousness. Is. 61:10, Rev. 19:7-9; 3:5a; 4:4; 7:9, 14-17.