According to Logos study bible, Nebuchadnezzar. “Known as a master builder and military architect, was the pride of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He ruled for 43years (605-562 B.C) and gained fame by defeating the Egyptians at the battle of Carchemish in 605 Bc just before ascending the throne. …His vast army and warring tendencies, portrays him as a king obsessed with conquest and power. Daniel said the power of earthly rulers comes from God. He was given power to exercise a temporary judgment on Judah.” Daniel and his fellows were from Judah, the royal tribe and from the house of David and the line of King Hezekiah.
- Dan. 1:4. “…whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.”
- Learning-Heb. Sepher, book, literature. “History records the existence of huge libraries in Babylon with books classified on all subjects…” Dakes.
- The care he took concerning them, first their education, they must be further taught. Prov. 1:5, Pro. 9:9 says, “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be wiser; teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” The young ones must be made to learn. Act. 7:12, Gen. 18:18-19, Pro. 1:8-9; 2:2-12; 3:13-18, Deut. 6:7-9, 2 Tim. 1:5. The youthful age is the learning age, if lost, it will hardly be redeemed.
- The home is for CHRACTER BUILDING. Parent’s responsibility within a time frame of a minimum of 20-30 year. God has placed in your hands the imperishable minds of your children on which you are writing every hour, every day, by your spirit, by examples and your instructions.
- Other things to teach. i. Obedience to authority. ii. Ability to work & finish the work. iii. Right use of money: How to earn, spend, give and save money.
- Career Guide. Take note of the interest, ability, the ministry and heavenly goal in mind. Less emphasis should be placed on money and market forces.
- Giude and prepare them for marriage.Teach them: To shun association with unbelievers. 2Cor. 6:14-16, 1Cor. 7:39 & rule out anybody not holding same doctrine and under the same congregation.Rom. 16:17, 2Jn. 9-11, Gen. 24:3-4, 5-9, Num. 36:6-10.
- ‘The Chaldeans’. Here is a special class of the of the Babylonians and other learning class Dan. 2:2, 4, 5, 10; 3:8; 4:7; 5:7, 11. In a wider sense it is used of a nationality. 5:30, Gen. 11:28-31; 15:7, 2Kg. 24:2.
- “Indoctrination was a key to successfully integrating captives into their new homeland. Captives will learn their language, political cultural and religious education. They will further be taught history, philosophy, science navigation, mathematics, and war.
- Dan. 1:5.”The king appointed daily provisions of the king’s meat…” It is first, God’s favor was with them. Ps. 106:46, Jer. 52:31-34, Gen. 39: 2-4, 21. Favor will always locate you as a prince and your daily provisions are guaranteed.. Secondly, is to give them the capacity for easy learning. “With a liberal education there should be a liberal maintenance”-Henry.
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